If you answered yes, then make your core values known and join us as a partner of Mindtrek Conference 2025. Enjoy the many benefits our sponsorship options have to offer for your organization!
Participation is made easy by offering ready-made packages for the sponsors. Our standard packages offer simple options to support the Mindtrek Conference and present your organization to a wide range of industry professionals, decision-makers and enthusiasts working with Open Source and other Open Technologies.
15 % C-level Executive (E.g. CEO, CFO, COO, CTO)
29 % Middle & Lower Management Level
14 % Employee
6 % Entrepreneur / Business Owner / Self-Employed
10 % Developer
2 % Researcher
19 % Student
6 % Other
45 % Private Sector
23 % Public Sector
6 % Education & Research
22 % Students
4 % Other (NGO etc)
If your company is a member of COSS association, we offer a –25 % discount of all sponsorship packages.
Couldn’t find a suitable solution for your organization? Do not hesitate to reach out to us and ask more info for a customized package to fit your needs!
Reach out to us and learn more about the sponsoring options. You can contact us info@mindtrek.org or use our contact form – we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards all the amazing companies and organisations which have already joined this year’s conference as a Partner or Sponsor. Organizing the annual Mindtrek Conference would not be possible without the generous help from our industry partners.
We thank you for your continuous support and for helping us to make the annual OpenTech conference happen in Finland!